NEWS: First-year of greenhouse gases measurements in the tall tower of El Arenosillo station (Southwestern Europe)

NOTE ICOS-Spain Nº9:Global Carbon Budget 2023

NOTE ICOS-Spain Nº8: CanOA-SOOP and Majadas de Tiétar complete the ICOS-ERIC certification process

NOTE ICOS-Spain Nº7: Izaña Observatory detects transoceanic transport of emissions from Canadian fires over the North Atlantic subtropical region

NOTE ICOS-Spain Nº6: Izaña Observatory registers a new record in the atmospheric CO2 concentration

NEWS: The Izaña Observatory completes its certification process

NEWS: The station above the clouds.

Note ICOS-Spain Nº5: The Mauna Loa Observatory interrupts its observations due to the volcanic eruption, but the atmospheric CO2 monitoring at global scale goes on

Note ICOS-Spain Nº4: Global Carbon Budget 2022

Note ICOS-Spain Nº3: Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations measured at Izaña Observatory continue their upward trend

NEWS: El Arenosillo Atmospheric Station passes the first stage of the ICOS certification process.

Note ICOS-Spain Nº2: Synergy between surface and column measurements at Izaña Global Atmospheric Watch application to the volcanic eruption on La Palma.

Information Note ICOS-Spain Nº1: Izaña observatory yet again recorded a historical maximum in the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in May 2021. Covid-19 has not slowed down the increase of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.